Gum Disease Treatment

The treatment goals for gum disease are to identify and eliminate the factors that make the person more susceptible. Most factors can be eliminated by establishing more consistent and thorough oral hygiene habits and professional dental cleanings. If there are certain risk factors such as smoking or uncontrolled diabetes that are contributing to the gum disease, they need to be addressed or eliminated to have success in reversing gingivitis. After the plaque and tartar are removed by a dentist or dental hygienist, the patient can usually eliminate gingivitis by brushing and flossing after every meal. Under the supervision of a dentist, a patient can use a prescription mouth rinse that specifically targets oral bacteria that cause gum disease. This is especially helpful in patients where conventional oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing are impaired due to age or special needs.

In individuals where gingivitis has led to periodontal disease and there are deep pockets that are difficult to clean, the patient may require deep scaling and root planing to clean teeth that are surrounded by deep pockets. 

Depending on the condition of your gums and teeth, the appropriate type of cleaning and maintenance schedule will be recommended to you.